[afnog] FreeBSD mirroring

Antonio Godinho antonio at uem.mz
Thu Apr 27 18:32:49 EAT 2006

Hi All, 

I would like to mirror an already operational FreeBSD server running FreeBSD 
6.0. I have read the instructions at 

but I am not quite sure of what I will do specially when I have more than 
the two partitions they reccommend. I have /, swap, /usr and /var. 

Has anyone done this before? I don't want to ruin the already operational 
installation and would like to have some additional pointers. 

The system is running on a HP server which now has two hotswap scsi disks 
and the FreeBSD 6.0 is running in one of them (id 0). 

I don't want to find that after going through these steps the system will 
fail to boot. 



Antonio Godinho

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