[afnog] High return time on linux server

sematin@mtn.co.ug sematin at mtn.co.ug
Thu Apr 27 12:06:39 EAT 2006

 You probably have a badnwidth manager between you and the ISP router and the
linux machine must be taking up most of your bandwidth when it is up and
running. most times icmp traffic has the lowest priority and thus the high


-----Original Message-----
From: afnog-bounces at afnog.org on behalf of Yahaya Wara
Sent: Thu 4/27/2006 11:16 AM
To: afnog at afnog.org
Subject: [afnog] High return time on linux server
hello, All,

I installed Mandrake linux 9.2 on HP Compaq server
with following services running:

1. Named (Bind 9.2.3)
2. Apache2 with two virtual sites, but hope to host
3. Shorewall firewall to filter traffic.(permit only
http, DNS to and from the server and permit icmp from
the server to internet.)

The problem is, if I ping my ISP router the return
time will be fluctuating between 2000 ms to 8000 ms.
But I remove the ethernet cable attached to the
server's public NIC or I issued service network stop
and ping my ISP router on another machine the return
time come down to 500 ms to 700 ms. Please any help ?


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