[afnog] file processing

Brian Candler B.Candler at pobox.com
Fri Apr 14 23:17:21 EAT 2006

On Fri, Apr 14, 2006 at 10:31:01PM +0300, Mike Barnard wrote:
>    hi, i have squid log files that have grown too large to fast, that i
>    need to process through webalizer for statistical output.
>    the current log file is about 1.3GB, with about 9142945 lines. id like
>    to split this file up into smaller chunks, store these chunks in
>    separate files to make its processing easier.
>    i have tried to use head to read the first 10000 lines, dump them into
>    a file and then process this. the problem with this is that ill have
>    to remove these first 10000 lines so that i can process the next 10000
>    lines.
>    is there an easier way to do this, or is there a way that i can read
>    the first 10000 lines and remove them so that i can read the next
>    10000.

man split

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