[afnog] Resolver issues

Michuki Mwangi michuki at swiftkenya.com
Mon Apr 10 18:48:52 EAT 2006

Brian Candler wrote:
> As Geert Jan points out, this might be just an artefact of a NIC which does
> checksum-offloading. Or it could be a driver error.
> If TCP packets are working correctly, with no checksum errors shown, that's
> strange though.
> So it might also be useful to try other UDP queries, e.g. 
> # ntpdate x.x.x.x

www# ntpdate ntp.kenic.or.ke
10 Apr 18:40:08 ntpdate[13533]: no server suitable for synchronization found

udp is definitely failing since i get a response off one of the other 

> For comparison purposes, you could also try DNS over TCP:
> # dig +tcp @ kenic.or.ke. ns

Works like a charm!

www# dig +tcp @ns1.swiftkenya.com kenic.or.ke ns

; <<>> DiG 9.3.1 <<>> +tcp @ns1.swiftkenya.com kenic.or.ke ns
; (1 server found)
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 43780
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 3, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 3

;kenic.or.ke.                   IN      NS

kenic.or.ke.            38400   IN      NS      ns1.swiftkenya.com.
kenic.or.ke.            38400   IN      NS      ns2.swiftkenya.com.
kenic.or.ke.            38400   IN      NS      ole.kenic.or.ke.

ns1.swiftkenya.com.     86400   IN      A
ns2.swiftkenya.com.     86400   IN      A
ole.kenic.or.ke.        38400   IN      A

I think we may have just narrowed it down to the NIC/Driver problem.
Best option is to try out a different NIC at this stage. I will advise 
on the results of that.


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