[afnog] Position available

Alan Barrett apb at cequrux.com
Wed Sep 28 12:14:50 EAT 2005

[top-posting corrected.  Not only are you a spammer, but you also don't
know how to quote properly.]

On Wed, 28 Sep 2005, Gary Cowan wrote:
>> I don't know about others but my problem is with all the details you put in 
>> there. a simple 1 liner saying 
>> "I have job opportunities in countryA and countryB could those who are 
>> interested please contact me offlist at address at organisation" 
>> would be a lot better imho.
> If Afnog are happy with that I will do in future.I am not here to step on
> anyones toes

afnog at afnog.org is not a jobs list.  Posting job opportunities is
off-topic.  (An exception might possibly be made for unusual jobs of
high relevance; I suppose there might be a handful of those per year.)

I would have no objection to somebody setting up a new jobs at afnog.org
list, or an ads at afnog.org list, where job ads or any ads would be
on-topic.  I might even subscribe to such a list.

--apb (Alan Barrett)

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