[afnog] G Mirror Configuration

Brian Candler B.Candler at pobox.com
Thu Sep 1 13:35:22 EAT 2005

On Thu, Sep 01, 2005 at 07:57:02AM +0000, Musa.E.A.Kijera wrote:
> Hello Brian ,
>     I am trying to do a ports update on FreeBSD but i am missing out 
> some things . I could recall you giving the simple way out by using the 
> cvsup-without-gui   command . You also adviced that it normally consume 
> bandwidth .
> I would be pleased if you could help.

[copied to afnog list - this would be a better place to ask in future]

The command I use is:

# cvsup -g -L 2 -h cvsup.uk.freebsd.org /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ports-supfile

Replace cvsup.uk.freebsd.org with a nearer (network-wise) mirror, if you
have one.

You're right that you need to install the cvsup-without-gui port or package
first. Easiest way:

# pkg_add -r cvsup-without-gui



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