[afnog] Mailman configuration glitch ENDED :-)

Kenneth Kabagambe kabagak at gmail.com
Fri Oct 28 17:24:13 EAT 2005

Normally write permissions are granted to users in mailman group. I 
assume you stuck with the defaults and installed mailman with user/group 
*chmod a+rx,g+ws /var/mailman
*assuming your logs are in /var/mailman

There is a ~mailman/bin/check_perms script that can verify that your 
permissions are correct and secure.


>>change the line in the index.php file you created to:
>>Header("Location: /mailman/listinfo");
>Apparently /mailman/logs with permission 755 is unwritable so I made it
>777 and it works .... any way to make this more secure (/mailman is owned
>by mailman:mailman)
>Thank U all for your help
>afnog mailing list

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