[afnog] F-Root Server goes live in Nairobi

Jeroen Massar jeroen at unfix.org
Wed Oct 5 22:45:50 EAT 2005

On Wed, 2005-10-05 at 15:33 -0400, Joe Abley wrote:
> 4. Assuming everything goes well, someone from ISC flies out to  
> install the root server and to take flul advantage of the local beer  
> (e.g., for Nairobi, Tusker Malt).

Now I completely understand why ISC is in this business, it's all about
the beer! :) Don't miss out to install boxes in .de and .ie then <grin>

Maybe this slogan could be also applied to ISC: "We peer for beer" :)

But it is a good thing that there is more and more connectivity being
provided in those regions and it also brings quite a bit of knowledge
there, which in turn causes jobs, higher education etc... cool!


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