[afnog] ad0 FAILURE

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Mon Oct 3 17:28:29 EAT 2005

cool.  i have been lucky and never had to chase disk failures

>     The recommended procedure is:
>     Run fsck, preferably with "-n", don't write any changes yet -- see
>       if you can actually get it to recognize the filesystem
>     If it looks like too many inodes will be cleared:

how to judge 'too many'?

>     - Find a spare disk at least as big as the partition you are trying
>       to recover:
>     - dd if=/dev/ad0? of=/mnt/my/spare/disk/ad0?.img bs=32k conv=notrunc
>     - mdconfig -a -t vnode -f /mnt/my/spare/disk/ad0?.img -u 0
>     Run fsck on the resulting /dev/md0? partition.

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