[afnog] Reminder: AfNOG 2006, Nairobi, Kenya, May 2006

Alan Barrett apb at cequrux.com
Tue Nov 29 14:44:59 EAT 2005

This is a reminder about the 7th AfNOG Meeting, to be held in
conjunction with the AfriNIC-4 meeting, in Nairobi, Kenya, in May 2006.

    AfNOG Workshop      7 - 12 May 2006 (Sunday - Friday)
    AfNOG Tutorials     14 May 2006 (Sunday)
    AfNOG Meeting       15 May 2006 (Monday)
    AfriNIC Meeting     16 - 17 May 2006 (Tuesday - Wednesday)

See <http://www.afnog.org/afnog2006/> and
<http://www.afrinic.net/meeting/> for information about the event.

We are looking for more people to apply to attend the AfNOG Workshop
on Network Technology.  Further information and application forms are
available at <http://www.afnog.org/afnog2006/workshop/>.

We are looking for people interested in presenting a
tutorial or giving a talk or organising a panel discussion.
Please see <http://www.afnog.org/afnog2006/tutorial/> and

Please feel free to forward this message to other relevant lists
or interested people.

Alan Barrett
AfNOG Programme Committee

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