[afnog] BGP Help

Herbert Maosa h_maosa at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Nov 25 20:51:15 EAT 2005

The most important information is going to come from the logs, if you 
are doing any logging. If you are not logging, please  configure *bgp 
log-neighbor-changes .* BGP always disconnects gracefully so you can be 
assured that the reasons for the disconnection will be logged.


Emmanuel Odoom wrote:

>I have been experiencing problems with BGP between my gateway router and the
>upstream ISP gateway.  BGP session goes off and on in every 5 minutes
>interval.  I suspected a possible hardware problem so I changed the router.
>This time, BGP fluctuates in less than 2 minutes.  Please advice on what
>possibly could be the problem.
>Please find attached the gateway router configuration and the results of the
>following commands:
>show version
>show memory
>show processes cpu
>Thank you.
>tdi-gw-rtr#sh run
>Building configuration...
>Current configuration : 3888 bytes
>! Last configuration change at 10:01:15 GMT Fri Nov 25 2005
>! NVRAM config last updated at 10:01:24 GMT Fri Nov 25 2005
>version 12.2
>service nagle
>no service pad
>service timestamps debug uptime
>service timestamps log datetime
>service password-encryption
>hostname tdi-gw-rtr
>enable secret 5 $1$7ONX$evU486cnv84i9kRERjFhM.
>enable password 7 1516020B0D3E2A28
>username noc password 7 151C081F102E22
>username foji password 7 121F0A1D1B
>username test password 7 0300520C0F1B2040
>clock timezone GMT 0
>ip subnet-zero
>ip domain-name gh.com
>ip name-server
>ip name-server
>ip name-server
>no ip bootp server
>interface FastEthernet0/0
> bandwidth 2048
> ip address
> no ip redirects
> no ip proxy-arp
> no ip mroute-cache
> duplex auto
> speed auto
> no cdp enable
>interface FastEthernet0/1
> bandwidth 2048
> ip address
> no ip redirects
> no ip proxy-arp
> ip ospf cost 100
> no ip mroute-cache
> duplex auto
> speed auto
> no cdp enable
>interface Serial2/0
> no ip address
> shutdown
> serial restart-delay 0
>interface Serial2/1
> no ip address
> shutdown
> serial restart-delay 0
>interface Serial2/2
> no ip address
> shutdown
> serial restart-delay 0
>interface Serial2/3
> description NSS TX
> bandwidth 128
> no ip address
> no ip redirects
> no ip unreachables
> no ip proxy-arp
> ip accounting output-packets
> encapsulation frame-relay IETF
> ip route-cache policy
> ip route-cache flow
> no ip mroute-cache
> no keepalive
> no fair-queue
> ignore-dcd
> serial restart-delay 0
>interface Serial2/3.1 point-to-point
> description NSS TX
> bandwidth 128
> ip address
> no cdp enable
> frame-relay interface-dlci 101 IETF
>router bgp 15825
> no synchronization
> bgp log-neighbor-changes
> bgp dampening
> network mask
> network mask
> neighbor remote-as 17175
> neighbor description NSS LINK
> neighbor ebgp-multihop 255
> neighbor update-source Serial2/3.1
> neighbor version 4
> neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound
> neighbor filter-list 1 out
> neighbor remote-as 17175
> neighbor description NSS back up LINK
> neighbor ebgp-multihop 255
> neighbor update-source Serial2/3.1
> neighbor version 4
> neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound
> neighbor filter-list 1 out
>ip classless
>no ip forward-protocol udp netbios-ns
>no ip forward-protocol udp netbios-dgm
>ip route
>ip route Null0
>ip route
>no ip http server
>ip as-path access-list 1 permit ^$
>logging trap notifications
>access-list 3 permit
>access-list 3 permit
>access-list 3 permit
>access-list 3 permit
>access-list 3 permit
>access-list 3 permit
>access-list 3 permit
>access-list 3 deny   any
>no cdp run
>snmp-server community public RO
>snmp-server location NCS-GW Pop
>snmp-server contact Emmanuel Odoom
>snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication linkdown linkup coldstart warmstart
>snmp-server enable traps tty
>snmp-server enable traps isdn call-information
>snmp-server enable traps isdn layer2
>snmp-server enable traps config
>snmp-server enable traps bgp
>snmp-server enable traps frame-relay
>snmp-server enable traps syslog
>snmp-server host public
>line con 0
> exec-timeout 30 0
>line aux 0
>line vty 0 4
> access-class 3 in
> exec-timeout 0 0
> password 7 04550E111C2A454B1A
> login
>ntp clock-period 17180285
>ntp server prefer
>ntp server
>ntp server
>tdi-gw-rtr#sh memory
>                Head    Total(b)     Used(b)     Free(b)   Lowest(b)  Largest(b)
>Processor   61096040    10919872     7120324     3799548         180     1454228
>      I/O    1B00000     5242880     2446144     2796736     2781320     2767644
>          Processor memory
> Address      Bytes     Prev     Next Ref     PrevF    NextF Alloc PC  what
>61096040 0000020000 00000000 6109AE8C 001  -------- -------- 603F7070  Managed Chunk Queue Elements
>6109AE8C 0000001500 61096040 6109B494 001  -------- -------- 604065D0  List Elements
>6109B494 0000005000 6109AE8C 6109C848 001  -------- -------- 60406610  List Headers
>6109C848 0000009000 6109B494 6109EB9C 001  -------- -------- 604251A0  Interrupt Stack
>6109EB9C 0000000044 6109C848 6109EBF4 001  -------- -------- 60A366D8  *Init*
>6109EBF4 0000009000 6109EB9C 610A0F48 001  -------- -------- 604251A0  Interrupt Stack
>610A0F48 0000000044 6109EBF4 610A0FA0 001  -------- -------- 60A366D8  *Init*
>610A0FA0 0000009000 610A0F48 610A32F4 001  -------- -------- 604251A0  Interrupt Stack
>610A32F4 0000000044 610A0FA0 610A334C 001  -------- -------- 60A366D8  *Init*
>610A334C 0000000024 610A32F4 610A3390 001  -------- -------- 6045FBF0  *Init*
>610A3390 0000000128 610A334C 610A343C 001  -------- -------- 60466DDC  *Init*
>610A343C 0000004192 610A3390 610A44C8 001  -------- -------- 6036C1F8  TTY data
>610A44C8 0000002000 610A343C 610A4CC4 001  -------- -------- 6036F7FC  TTY Input Buf
>610A4CC4 0000001000 610A44C8 610A50D8 001  -------- -------- 6036F82C  TTY Output Buf
>610A50D8 0000009000 610A4CC4 610A742C 001  -------- -------- 604251A0  Interrupt Stack
>610A742C 0000000044 610A50D8 610A7484 001  -------- -------- 60A366D8  *Init*
>610A7484 0000001500 610A742C 610A7A8C 001  -------- -------- 6040E370  messages
>610A7A8C 0000001500 610A7484 610A8094 001  -------- -------- 6040E3A0  Watched messages
>610A8094 0000010000 610A7A8C 610AA7D0 001  -------- -------- 6040E3CC  Watched Queue
>610AA7D0 0000005000 610A8094 610ABB84 001  -------- -------- 6040E3F8  Watched Boolean
>610ABB84 0000005000 610AA7D0 610ACF38 001  -------- -------- 6040E424  Watched Bitfield
>610ACF38 0000001500 610ABB84 610AD540 001  -------- -------- 6040E450  Watched Semaphore
>610AD540 0000005000 610ACF38 610AE8F4 001  -------- -------- 6040E47C  Watcher Info
>610AE8F4 0000000296 610AD540 610AEA48 001  -------- -------- 6040E4A8  Watched Message Queue
>610AEA48 0000001500 610AE8F4 610AF050 001  -------- -------- 6040E4D4  Watcher Message Queue
>610AF050 0000001032 610AEA48 610AF484 001  -------- -------- 6041FF54  Process Array
>610AF484 0000006000 610AF050 610B0C20 001  -------- -------- 604251A0  Process Stack
>610B0C20 0000000552 610AF484 610B0E74 001  -------- -------- 60420448  Process
>610B0E74 0000000144 610B0C20 610B0F30 001  -------- -------- 6040C85C  Process Events
>610B0F30 0000000044 610B0E74 610B0F88 001  -------- -------- 60A366D8  *Init*
>610B0F88 0000003000 610B0F30 610B1B6C 001  -------- -------- 604251A0  Process Stack
>610B1B6C 0000000552 610B0F88 610B1DC0 001  -------- -------- 60420448  Process
>610B1DC0 0000000144 610B1B6C 610B1E7C 001  -------- -------- 6040C85C  Process Events
>610B1E7C 0000000044 610B1DC0 610B1ED4 001  -------- -------- 60A366D8  *Init*
>610B1ED4 0000001500 610B1E7C 610B24DC 001  -------- -------- 60405494  List Elements
>610B24DC 0000001500 610B1ED4 610B2AE4 001  -------- -------- 60405494  List Elements
>610B2AE4 0000001500 610B24DC 610B30EC 001  -------- -------- 60405494  List Elements
>610B30EC 0000001500 610B2AE4 610B36F4 001  -------- -------- 60405494  List Elements
>610B36F4 0000001500 610B30EC 610B3CFC 001  -------- -------- 60405494  List Elements
>610B3CFC 0000001500 610B36F4 610B4304 001  -------- -------- 60405494  List Elements
>610B4304 0000001500 610B3CFC 610B490C 001  -------- -------- 60405494  List Elements
>610B490C 0000001136 610B4304 610B4DA8 001  -------- -------- 60499FC0  TCP CB
>610B4DA8 0000000696 610B490C 610B508C 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610B508C 0000000728 610B4DA8 610B5390 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610B5390 0000000040 610B508C 610B53E4 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B53E4 0000000040 610B5390 610B5438 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B5438 0000000040 610B53E4 610B548C 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B548C 0000000040 610B5438 610B54E0 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B54E0 0000000040 610B548C 610B5534 000  6135421C 61440E64 60488B88  (fragment)
>610B5534 0000000696 610B54E0 610B5818 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
> Address      Bytes     Prev     Next Ref     PrevF    NextF Alloc PC  what
>610B5818 0000000040 610B5534 610B586C 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B586C 0000000040 610B5818 610B58C0 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B58C0 0000000040 610B586C 610B5914 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B5914 0000000128 610B58C0 610B59C0 001  -------- -------- 60575788  IP cache
>610B59C0 0000000036 610B5914 610B5A10 000  61788C6C 619FD9A8 603FEA5C  (fragment)
>610B5A10 0000000696 610B59C0 610B5CF4 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610B5CF4 0000000040 610B5A10 610B5D48 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B5D48 0000000040 610B5CF4 610B5D9C 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B5D9C 0000000040 610B5D48 610B5DF0 000  61354D04 617EAA00 60488B88  (fragment)
>610B5DF0 0000000116 610B5D9C 610B5E90 001  -------- -------- 60575788  IP cache
>610B5E90 0000000040 610B5DF0 610B5EE4 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B5EE4 0000000040 610B5E90 610B5F38 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B5F38 0000000100 610B5EE4 610B5FC8 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B5FC8 0000000696 610B5F38 610B62AC 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610B62AC 0000000040 610B5FC8 610B6300 001  -------- -------- 608B5740  Clock buffer
>610B6300 0000000040 610B62AC 610B6354 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B6354 0000000040 610B6300 610B63A8 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B63A8 0000000040 610B6354 610B63FC 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B63FC 0000001120 610B63A8 610B6888 000  6195E97C 610B745C 6084CBAC  (coalesced)
>610B6888 0000000144 610B63FC 610B6944 001  -------- -------- 6040C85C  Process Events
>610B6944 0000000044 610B6888 610B699C 001  -------- -------- 60A366D8  TCP Protocols
>610B699C 0000000044 610B6944 610B69F4 001  -------- -------- 60375E20  TTY timer block
>610B69F4 0000000040 610B699C 610B6A48 001  -------- -------- 60375F7C  TTYBKG Timer
>610B6A48 0000000040 610B69F4 610B6A9C 000  0        61A011EC 608299BC  PDU DISPATCHER
>610B6A9C 0000000096 610B6A48 610B6B28 001  -------- -------- 60A2CB40  BGP Router
>610B6B28 0000000040 610B6A9C 610B6B7C 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B6B7C 0000000040 610B6B28 610B6BD0 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B6BD0 0000000040 610B6B7C 610B6C24 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B6C24 0000000208 610B6BD0 610B6D20 001  -------- -------- 6053B500  BGP Router
>610B6D20 0000001136 610B6C24 610B71BC 001  -------- -------- 60499FC0  TCP CB
>610B71BC 0000000040 610B6D20 610B7210 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B7210 0000000040 610B71BC 610B7264 000  6195E744 612D0584 608299BC  SNMP ENGINE
>610B7264 0000000124 610B7210 610B730C 001  -------- -------- 606A073C  BGP Router
>610B730C 0000000040 610B7264 610B7360 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B7360 0000000040 610B730C 610B73B4 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B73B4 0000000040 610B7360 610B7408 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B7408 0000000040 610B73B4 610B745C 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B745C 0000000696 610B7408 610B7740 000  610B63FC 6173CDCC 608296EC  (coalesced)
>610B7740 0000000040 610B745C 610B7794 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B7794 0000000056 610B7740 610B77F8 000  6144093C 619FC424 60825918  SNMP ENGINE
>610B77F8 0000000024 610B7794 610B783C 001  -------- -------- 6036EB6C  Virtual Exec
>610B783C 0000000040 610B77F8 610B7890 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B7890 0000000040 610B783C 610B78E4 000  6147B2FC 6147CF94 60488B88  (fragment)
>610B78E4 0000000072 610B7890 610B7958 001  -------- -------- 60A2CB40  IP Input
>610B7958 0000000040 610B78E4 610B79AC 001  -------- -------- 608B5740  Clock buffer
>610B79AC 0000000040 610B7958 610B7A00 001  -------- -------- 60488B88  IP Input
>610B7A00 0000000040 610B79AC 610B7A54 000  6147CF94 6147B574 60488B88  (fragment)
>610B7A54 0000000032 610B7A00 610B7AA0 001  -------- -------- 605CDA64  IFINDEX hw subblock
>610B7AA0 0000000024 610B7A54 610B7AE4 001  -------- -------- 6036EB6C  Virtual Exec
>610B7AE4 0000000024 610B7AA0 610B7B28 001  -------- -------- 6036EB6C  Virtual Exec
>610B7B28 0000000044 610B7AE4 610B7B80 001  -------- -------- 60412EF8  *Sched*
>610B7B80 0000002000 610B7B28 610B837C 001  -------- -------- 60411CF8  Reg Function 12
>610B837C 0000003000 610B7B80 610B8F60 001  -------- -------- 60411D24  Reg Function iList
>610B8F60 0000000024 610B837C 610B8FA4 001  -------- -------- 60412EF8  *Sched*
>610B8FA4 0000000024 610B8F60 610B8FE8 001  -------- -------- 60381564  Parser Linkage
> Address      Bytes     Prev     Next Ref     PrevF    NextF Alloc PC  what
>610B8FE8 0000000024 610B8FA4 610B902C 001  -------- -------- 6034F430  Init
>610B902C 0000000024 610B8FE8 610B9070 001  -------- -------- 603923C8  Cond Debug definition
>610B9070 0000000024 610B902C 610B90B4 001  -------- -------- 603923C8  Cond Debug definition
>610B90B4 0000000024 610B9070 610B90F8 001  -------- -------- 603923C8  Cond Debug definition
>610B90F8 0000000024 610B90B4 610B913C 001  -------- -------- 603923C8  Cond Debug definition
>610B913C 0000000024 610B90F8 610B9180 001  -------- -------- 603923C8  Cond Debug definition
>610B9180 0000000040 610B913C 610B91D4 001  -------- -------- 605869EC  CDP sw subblock
>610B91D4 0000000144 610B9180 610B9290 001  -------- -------- 6040C85C  Process Events
>610B9290 0000000024 610B91D4 610B92D4 001  -------- -------- 606F63C8  OSPF Router
>610B92D4 0000004720 610B9290 610BA570 001  -------- -------- 603BB270  *Hardware IDB*
>610BA570 0000002624 610B92D4 610BAFDC 001  -------- -------- 603BB28C  *Software IDB*
>610BAFDC 0000000024 610BA570 610BB020 001  -------- -------- 603BC360  Init
>610BB020 0000000024 610BAFDC 610BB064 001  -------- -------- 603BC3DC  Init
>610BB064 0000000024 610BB020 610BB0A8 001  -------- -------- 6034F314  Init
>610BB0A8 0000000092 610BB064 610BB130 001  -------- -------- 608745B0  FR Init LMI Stats
>610BB130 0000000024 610BB0A8 610BB174 001  -------- -------- 6034F50C  Init
>610BB174 0000000024 610BB130 610BB1B8 001  -------- -------- 6034F55C  Init
>610BB1B8 0000000256 610BB174 610BB2E4 001  -------- -------- 604131F0  Init
>610BB2E4 0000000036 610BB1B8 610BB334 001  -------- -------- 60381564  Parser Linkage
>610BB334 0000000024 610BB2E4 610BB378 001  -------- -------- 6034F650  Init
>610BB378 0000000040 610BB334 610BB3CC 001  -------- -------- 60359468  Ion Password
>610BB3CC 0000000024 610BB378 610BB410 001  -------- -------- 6034F6BC  Init
>610BB410 0000000040 610BB3CC 610BB464 001  -------- -------- 60359B6C  Init
>610BB464 0000006000 610BB410 610BCC00 001  -------- -------- 604251A0  Process Stack
>610BCC00 0000000552 610BB464 610BCE54 001  -------- -------- 60420448  Process
>610BCE54 0000000144 610BCC00 610BCF10 001  -------- -------- 6040C85C  Process Events
>610BCF10 0000000044 610BCE54 610BCF68 001  -------- -------- 60A366D8  Init
>610BCF68 0000006000 610BCF10 610BE704 001  -------- -------- 604251A0  Process Stack
>610BE704 0000000552 610BCF68 610BE958 001  -------- -------- 60420448  Process
>610BE958 0000000144 610BE704 610BEA14 001  -------- -------- 6040C85C  Process Events
>610BEA14 0000000044 610BE958 610BEA6C 001  -------- -------- 60A366D8  Init
>610BEA6C 0000004000 610BEA14 610BFA38 001  -------- -------- 603B4214  Packet Elements
>610BFA38 0000000280 610BEA6C 610BFB7C 001  -------- -------- 6040A478  Pool Info
>610BFB7C 0000000280 610BFA38 610BFCC0 001  -------- -------- 6040A478  Pool Info
>610BFCC0 0000000280 610BFB7C 610BFE04 001  -------- -------- 6040A478  Pool Info
>610BFE04 0000000280 610BFCC0 610BFF48 001  -------- -------- 6040A478  Pool Info
>610BFF48 0000000280 610BFE04 610C008C 001  -------- -------- 6040A478  Pool Info
>610C008C 0000000280 610BFF48 610C01D0 001  -------- -------- 6040A478  Pool Info
>610C01D0 0000000696 610C008C 610C04B4 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C04B4 0000000696 610C01D0 610C0798 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C0798 0000000696 610C04B4 610C0A7C 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C0A7C 0000000696 610C0798 610C0D60 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C0D60 0000000696 610C0A7C 610C1044 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C1044 0000000696 610C0D60 610C1328 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C1328 0000000696 610C1044 610C160C 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C160C 0000000696 610C1328 610C18F0 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C18F0 0000000696 610C160C 610C1BD4 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C1BD4 0000000696 610C18F0 610C1EB8 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C1EB8 0000000696 610C1BD4 610C219C 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C219C 0000000696 610C1EB8 610C2480 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C2480 0000000696 610C219C 610C2764 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C2764 0000000696 610C2480 610C2A48 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C2A48 0000000696 610C2764 610C2D2C 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C2D2C 0000000696 610C2A48 610C3010 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C3010 0000000696 610C2D2C 610C32F4 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
> Address      Bytes     Prev     Next Ref     PrevF    NextF Alloc PC  what
>610C32F4 0000000696 610C3010 610C35D8 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C35D8 0000000696 610C32F4 610C38BC 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C38BC 0000000696 610C35D8 610C3BA0 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C3BA0 0000000696 610C38BC 610C3E84 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C3E84 0000000696 610C3BA0 610C4168 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C4168 0000000696 610C3E84 610C444C 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C444C 0000000696 610C4168 610C4730 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C4730 0000000696 610C444C 610C4A14 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C4A14 0000000696 610C4730 610C4CF8 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C4CF8 0000000696 610C4A14 610C4FDC 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C4FDC 0000000696 610C4CF8 610C52C0 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C52C0 0000000696 610C4FDC 610C55A4 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C55A4 0000000696 610C52C0 610C5888 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C5888 0000000696 610C55A4 610C5B6C 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C5B6C 0000000696 610C5888 610C5E50 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C5E50 0000000696 610C5B6C 610C6134 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C6134 0000000696 610C5E50 610C6418 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C6418 0000000696 610C6134 610C66FC 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C66FC 0000000696 610C6418 610C69E0 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C69E0 0000000696 610C66FC 610C6CC4 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C6CC4 0000000696 610C69E0 610C6FA8 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C6FA8 0000000696 610C6CC4 610C728C 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C728C 0000000696 610C6FA8 610C7570 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C7570 0000000696 610C728C 610C7854 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C7854 0000000696 610C7570 610C7B38 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C7B38 0000000696 610C7854 610C7E1C 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C7E1C 0000000696 610C7B38 610C8100 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C8100 0000000696 610C7E1C 610C83E4 001  -------- -------- 603AEED4  *Packet Header*
>610C83E4 0000000072 610C8100 610C8458 001  -------- -------- 60381564  Parser Linkage
>610C8458 0000065536 610C83E4 610D8484 001  -------- -------- 603D8830  Clones
>610D8484 0000000024 610C8458 610D84C8 001  -------- -------- 60381564  Parser Linkage
>610D84C8 0000000144 610D8484 610D8584 001  -------- -------- 6040C85C  Process Events
>610D8584 0000000032 610D84C8 610D85D0 001  -------- -------- 608783D0  FR LMI leaf Timer
>610D85D0 0000000032 610D8584 610D861C 001  -------- -------- 606EFCF8  Init
>610D861C 0000000024 610D85D0 610D8660 001  -------- -------- 60381564  Parser Linkage
>610D8660 0000000052 610D861C 610D86C0 001  -------- -------- 603817FC  Parser Mode
>610D86C0 0000000024 610D8660 610D8704 001  -------- -------- 6038186C  Parser Mode Q1
>610D8704 0000000024 610D86C0 610D8748 001  -------- -------- 60381890  Parser Mode Q2
>610D8748 0000000032 610D8704 610D8794 001  -------- -------- 60384CB8  Parser Alias
>610D8794 0000000024 610D8748 610D87D8 001  -------- -------- 60384CE0  Init
>610D87D8 0000000032 610D8794 610D8824 001  -------- -------- 60384CB8  Parser Alias
>610D8824 0000000024 610D87D8 610D8868 001  -------- -------- 60384CE0  Init
>610D8868 0000000032 610D8824 610D88B4 001  -------- -------- 60384CB8  Parser Alias
>610D88B4 0000000024 610D8868 610D88F8 001  -------- -------- 60384CE0  Init
>610D88F8 0000000032 610D88B4 610D8944 001  -------- -------- 60384CB8  Parser Alias
>610D8944 0000000024 610D88F8 610D8988 001  -------- -------- 60384CE0  Init
>610D8988 0000000032 610D8944 610D89D4 001  -------- -------- 60384CB8  Parser Alias
>610D89D4 0000000024 610D8988 610D8A18 001  -------- -------- 60384CE0  Init
>610D8A18 0000000032 610D89D4 610D8A64 001  -------- -------- 60384CB8  Parser Alias
>610D8A64 0000000024 610D8A18 610D8AA8 001  -------- -------- 60384CE0  Init
>610D8AA8 0000000032 610D8A64 610D8AF4 001  -------- -------- 60384CB8  Parser Alias
>610D8AF4 0000000024 610D8AA8 610D8B38 001  -------- -------- 60384CE0  Init
>610D8B38 0000000032 610D8AF4 610D8B84 001  -------- -------- 60384CB8  Parser Alias
>610D8B84 0000000024 610D8B38 610D8BC8 001  -------- -------- 60384CE0  Init
>610D8BC8 0000000032 610D8B84 610D8C14 001  -------- -------- 60384CB8  Parser Alias
> --More--                         
>tdi-gw-rtr#sh processes cpu
>CPU utilization for five seconds: 53%/1%; one minute: 13%; five minutes: 20%
> PID Runtime(ms)   Invoked      uSecs   5Sec   1Min   5Min TTY Process
>   1           0         1          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 Chunk Manager
>   2          36      1777         20  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 Load Meter
>   4        5272       890       5923  0.00%  0.05%  0.05%   0 Check heaps
>   5        2356      1063       2216  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 Pool Manager
>   6           0         2          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 Timers
>   7           0         2          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 Serial Backgroun
>   8          20      1733         11  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 ALARM_TRIGGER_SC
>   9           0         1          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 OIR Handler
>  10           4       298         13  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 Environmental mo
>  11         300       780        384  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 ARP Input
>  12          12       445         26  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 HC Counter Timer
>  13           0         3          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 DDR Timers
>  14           0         2          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 Dialer event
>  15           4         2       2000  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 Entity MIB API
>  16           0         1          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 SERIAL A'detect
>  17           0         1          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 Critical Bkgnd
>  18         176      2059         85  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 Net Background
>  19         524       918        570  0.08%  0.00%  0.00%   0 Logger
>  20         284      8801         32  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 TTY Background
>  21         252      8810         28  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 Per-Second Jobs
>  22           0         2          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 Hawkeye Backgrou
>  23           0         1          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 Net Input
>  24          76      1779         42  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 Compute load avg
>  25        1260       157       8025  0.00%  0.01%  0.00%   0 Per-minute Jobs
>  26           0       298          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 Call Management
>  27           0         2          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 AAA Dictionary R
>  28      121188    179437        675  1.88%  0.00%  2.48%   0 IP Input
>  29      803888     78005      10305 68.28% 14.53% 10.41%   0 BGP Router
>  30           0         1          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 X.25 Encaps Mana
>  31           0         1          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 Asy FS Helper
>  32           0         1          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 PPP IP Add Route
>  33          92       165        557  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 IP Background
>  34       48844     37716       1295  5.32%  0.80%  0.48%   0 IP RIB Update
>  35           8       150         53  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 Adj Manager
>  36         204      3594         56  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 TCP Timer
>  37           4         3       1333  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 TCP Protocols
>  38           0         1          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 Probe Input
>  39           0         1          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 RARP Input
>  40           0         1          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 HTTP Timer
>  41           0         1          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 Socket Timers
>  42           0         2          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 DHCPD Receive
>  43           4       149         26  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 IP Cache Ager
>  44           0         1          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 COPS
>  45           0         1          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 PAD InCall
>  46           0         2          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 X.25 Background
>  47       94296   5799403         16  3.11%  1.51%  1.74% 130 Virtual Exec
>  48      217476      1689     128760  0.16%  0.03%  3.63%   0 Syslog Traps
>  49          20       890         22  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 FR LMI
>  50         644     85592          7  0.08%  0.02%  0.00%   0 FR Broadcast Out
>  51           0       149          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 FR ARP
>  52           4       446          8  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 FR TUNNEL
>  53           0         1          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 FRF9 manager
>  54           0         1          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 FRF9 timed event
> PID Runtime(ms)   Invoked      uSecs   5Sec   1Min   5Min TTY Process
>  55           0         2          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 IP Flow Backgrou
>  56       48928     43474       1125  3.44%  0.83%  0.55%   0 BGP I/O
>  57         156       513        304  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 TCP Listener
>  58           0         1          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 SNMP Timers
>  59         324      1904        170  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 IP SNMP
>  60         100       262        381  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 PDU DISPATCHER
>  61         664       262       2534  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 SNMP ENGINE
>  62           0         1          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 SNMP ConfCopyPro
>  63        1320       768       1718  0.08%  0.01%  0.00%   0 SNMP Traps
>  64         284      8974         31  0.08%  0.01%  0.00%   0 NTP
>  65           0        75          0  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 DHCPD Timer
>  66          20      2501          7  0.00%  0.00%  0.00%   0 DHCPD Database
>  67       11668       462      25255  0.00%  0.12%  0.16%   0 BGP Scanner
>tdi-gw-rtr#sh ver
>Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
>IOS (tm) 3600 Software (C3640-I-M), Version 12.2(23), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
>Copyright (c) 1986-2004 by cisco Systems, Inc.
>Compiled Wed 28-Jan-04 14:59 by kellmill
>Image text-base: 0x60008930, data-base: 0x60A3C000
>ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.1(20)AA2, EARLY DEPLOYMENT RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
>tdi-gw-rtr uptime is 36 minutes
>System returned to ROM by reload at 15:24:56 GMT Wed Nov 23 2005
>System restarted at 15:25:33 GMT Wed Nov 23 2005
>System image file is "flash:c3640-i-mz.122-23.bin"
>cisco 3640 (R4700) processor (revision 0x00) with 27648K/5120K bytes of memory.
>Processor board ID 21960459
>R4700 CPU at 100Mhz, Implementation 33, Rev 1.0
>Bridging software.
>X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.
>2 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
>4 Serial network interface(s)
>DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity disabled.
>125K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
>8192K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)
>Configuration register is 0x2102
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