[afnog] Fetchmail/Exim Problem - saga continues!

Patrick J Okui pokui at psg.com
Fri May 20 16:06:05 EAT 2005

If I understand your setup correctly you want to redistribute 
mail for kulika.org (by fetchmail) to the users on your 
kulika.one2net.co.ug machine, in which case you will not see that 
mail till the fetchmail process runs. I.e mail to 
joana at kulika.org will be delivered to mail-fwd.london21-verio.com 
unless I'm misreading the maning of the following:

[pjo at mail] ~ $> host kulika.one2net.co.ug
kulika.one2net.co.ug has address
kulika.one2net.co.ug mail is handled (pri=5) by 
[pjo at mail] ~ $> host kulika.org
kulika.org has address
kulika.org mail is handled (pri=50) by 
[pjo at mail] ~ $> host mail-fwd.london21-verio.com
mail-fwd.london21-verio.com has address
[pjo at mail] ~ $>

(on the other hand, mail for joana at kulika.one2net.co.ug should go 
straight to the correct place)


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