[afnog] Problem installing Exim with mysql support!

Noah Sematimba sematin at mtn.co.ug
Wed May 11 14:09:50 EAT 2005

On Wednesday 11 May 2005 13:42, Frank Kuse Atimako wrote:

> /libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libmysqlclient.so.14" not found,
> required by "exim"
> *** Could not run ./exim to find version number ***
> *** Exim installation failed ***
> *** Error code 1

Do you have the mysql client libraries installed? If so does the path to where 
they are exist in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH

"coffee does not make you nervous.  your own inadequacies do that.  
coffee merely increases your perception of your own inadequacies."
--Rob Austein 

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