[afnog] CVS updates

Antonio Godinho antonio at nambu.uem.mz
Tue May 3 21:16:38 EAT 2005

Hi all,

I have recently tried to do a cvsup on a 5.3 Freebsd machine with the 
following supfile:

*default tag=RELENG_5
*default host=cvsup16.FreeBSD.org
*default prefix=/usr
*default base=/var/db
*default release=cvs delete use-rel-suffix compress


It has done the update and most of my ports have disappeared.... anything 
wrong with the config file?


Antonio Godinho
B.Sc., MCP, MCP+Internet, MCSE, CCNA, CCNP
Address:Av. Julius Nyerere 947 3rd floor esq 
Maputo - Mozambique
Phone  : 258-82-300392
e-mail : ANTONIO at nambu.uem.mz

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about less and less until he knows absolutely 
everything about nothing.

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