[afnog] Layer-3 VLAN config on D-LINK DES-3326S

Brian Candler B.Candler at pobox.com
Tue Mar 1 08:51:20 EAT 2005

On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 09:02:46PM +0000, Mohamadi ZONGO wrote:
> I would like to setup a VLAN and i am wondering if there is some 
> documentation on how to setup a layer 3 VLAN (network based VLAN) with a 
> D-LINK switch.
> The switch i am using is a D-LINK DES-3326S (Layer 3 switch)
> If i am rigth, there is no need for a router to do inter-vlan routing 
> because layer 3 switch can do that!
> I google a lot without success, all good documentation i got is about 
> cisco switch or port based VLAN with DLINK switch.

Don't use "VLAN" in your search query, because that's usually what people
say when they mean tagged VLANs (separating VLAN traffic whilst carrying it
on the same wires). "layer 3 switching" may be better.

> Can someone direct me to a web site or any kind of documentation ?

The obvious place to start is the manufacturer's website:
Select your product from the "quick find" drop-down menu on the top-left

Then I see there's a link for "product manual", which actually doesn't work:

but you can browse the FTP site. It seems the 'Manual' subdirectory doesn't
exist, but the 'CLIreference' one does, from where you can get
"des3326SRM_CLI\ reference_073103.pdf"

Looking at the table of contents I see:
p195 - IP interface commands
p215 - routing table commands
p301 - OSPF configuration commands



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