[afnog] Cant view my certificate

Mukasa Assey Alfred asseym at cfi.co.ug
Sat Jul 2 15:53:01 EAT 2005

I have just finished installing apache with mod_ssl and ipv6 support,

I precisely followed instructions found at 
...installing from ports

I even finished setting up my self-signed certificate using the 
instructions found in the notes above.

Problem is when i visit, which is my server on which 
iam doing the installation, i get the apache welcome page which looks fine 
or atleast it is what i expected.

However when i visit i end up with a "Page cannot be 
displayed/ can not find server error!! ( i don't see any certificate at 
all!) i dont know what is wrong and i don't have an idea how to start
trouble shooting this!

Anyone has an idea what i could have missed?? or you could point me to 
better guidelines to follow in order to archieve the task i have at hand!


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