[afnog] help postfix configuration

Noah Sematimba sematin at mtn.co.ug
Wed Jan 5 16:49:16 EAT 2005

The postfix main.cf file is very well commented. What you need to do is have 
the local domain and localhost listed in the postfix mydestination parameter 
in main.cf and then put the rest of the domains in transport file in the 
postfix configuration directory. The transport file is a hash database like 
the sendmail ones which contains the domain and the destination to which the 
mail should go.

for example if mail for jjj.qqq.mw should go by smtp to host relay.example.com 
then you put

jjj.qqq.mw		smtp:relay.example.com

in the transport file and run the command

postmap /path/to/transportfile  to generate a new hash database.

Hope this helps.

On Thursday 06 January 2005 02:33, David Chima wrote:
> Hello wonderful people of Afnog,
> I am trying to migrate from sendmail to postfix and I need a push
> somewhere.
> I have a server that is running RedHat Linux 9.0 and with sendmail. This
> server receives mail for some domains but not others. eg it receives mail
> for
> qqq.mw
> ppp.qqq.mw
> jjj.qqq.mw
> but not for
> ddd.qqq.mw
> yyy.qqq.mw
> qqq.mw is the local domain for this server. All mail for these subdomains
> passes through this server. What I want is that local mail and those from
> postmaster should be local to this machine but only forward mail for the
> other subdomains ddd.qqq.mw and yyy.qqq.mw to their respective servers.
> Is there someone who can give me a push here.
> Regards
> David
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