[afnog] HTTPD segmentation fault problem

Brian Candler B.Candler at pobox.com
Tue Feb 15 18:34:26 EAT 2005

On Tue, Feb 15, 2005 at 09:45:04PM +0300, Banoba Ezra wrote:
> > What caused the problem to start happening? Was it after upgrading from
> > 4.10-RELEASE to 4.10-STABLE ?
> The system has been running 4.10-STABLE for several months now. The
> upgrade is not recent.
> I did cvsup the ports collection tho, and upgraded ClamAV only just
> before my problems started. Could there be a corelation?

Unlikely - assuming you didn't touch any other ports. However it's possible
that the upgrade of ClamAV upgraded some other dependent ports, which Apache
also depends on. Doesn't seem to be on my system:

[root at billdog brian]# pkg_info -r apache\*
Information for apache+mod_ssl-1.3.33+2.8.22:

Depends on:
Dependency: mm-1.3.1
Dependency: expat-1.95.8

[root at billdog brian]# pkg_info -r clamav\*
Information for clamav-0.80_2:

Depends on:
Dependency: zoo-2.10.1
Dependency: unzip-5.51
Dependency: unrar-3.43,3
Dependency: unarj-2.65_1
Dependency: libgmp-4.1.3
Dependency: lha-1.14i_6
Dependency: arc-5.21j

But you should also check what other Apache modules you have installed:

# pkg_info -I mod\*
# pkg_info -r mod\*

If you have mod_perl, then maybe the rebuild of ClamAV in turn rebuilt bits
of Perl. If that's the problem, maybe uninstalling and rebuilding mod_perl
may help (or just turn it off, if you don't need it)

I'd still be interested to see the 'bt' output from gdb. However it seems
more likely to me that something else has changed which is causing this

Maybe if you're very unlikely it's a worm, so I'd check what other services
you're running on the box and the versions, and check for known
vulnerabilities; but it could also just be that some admin has accidentally
broken a file.



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