[afnog] Fw: Domain Object

Patrick Okui pokui at one2net.co.ug
Wed Feb 2 13:12:08 EAT 2005

On Wednesday 02 February 2005 12:44, Patrick Okui wrote:
> In future, it would be advisable if you stripped your
> e-mails of any password(s) they may contain - especially
> considering this is a public list with easily searchable
> archives.
> cheers,
> Patrick.

Other than that, running the following (not neat at all) 
(ba)sh loop... 

for IP in 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72

 host -t soa ${IP}.100.212.in-addr.arpa ns.cybaaspace.net \
 | grep '^[0-9]'
 host -t soa ${IP}.100.212.in-addr.arpa  ns.skannet.com \
 | grep '^[0-9]'


shows that you have different SOA records for the zone 
65.100.212.in-addr.arpa .

I suspect that you probably set both the name servers here 
to be "master".

Otherwise, the rest looks fine to me, maybe someone else 
spotted something else.


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