[afnog] POP3 Emails Download Behind A Firewall Problem

tech@cert.co.ug tech at cert.co.ug
Fri Dec 23 11:54:34 EAT 2005

I have just joined the list and Im impressed with the "rapid" response
members give to problems posted here. Keep up the good work.

I have a SuSe 9.3 Linux server sitting between my LAN and a Wireless
Router. The firewall is enabled and the squid proxy is also on. The
Wireless Router is hooked on to the ADSL device. Ports 53, 25, 80, 110 are
open on the firewall. I have a set of users with laptops with wireless
connectivity using the wireless router to connect to the internet. They
don't go through the Linux proxy server. These users can send/receive
their POP3 emails. The other set of users on the LAN connect via the Squid
Proxy. These users can not send/receive their POP3 emails. The linux box
is running DNS and DHCP for my LAN users. I would like my LAN users to
send/receive POP3 emails currently sitting in one of our ISP's servers.

Any suggestions?

Timothy Laku

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