[afnog] disable command HELP on sendmail

Kenneth Kabagambe kabagak at gmail.com
Fri Dec 9 08:28:17 EAT 2005

am not sure what you mean by "security reasons", please do clarify
You can always modify the content of the HELP file. Sendmail gets it 
from *|/etc/mail/helpfile. |*|That will obscure whatever it is you want 
hidden from other users using HELP.
||But seriously, you should consider alternatives like exim or 
postfix.Sendmail's security history isnt very great.

>Hello everybody
>Does anybody know how to disable the HELP command on Sendmail when user access
>it with telnet server 25. It show my sendmail version and I don't agree for
>security reason.
>Thank for any suggestion
>BESt regards
>MARTIN O. Jonas
>Administrateur Réseaux et Systèmes 
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