[afnog] Re: Request for input: TheWorkingGrouponInternetGovernance

Brian Candler B.Candler at pobox.com
Fri Nov 19 10:58:07 EAT 2004

On Fri, Nov 19, 2004 at 11:29:07AM +0100, Robert.Shaw at itu.int wrote:
> > You can argue as much as you like that the reality is 
> > different, but I'm talking about the *perception*. Commission your own research 
> > if you like. And if the ITU wants to change that perception, then using 
> > its government links to attempt to hijack the existing registry processes is 
> > probably not a good place to start.
> huh? where did you get that from? 

>From being a member of the Internet community with eyes.

By "commission your own research", I meant get an independent company to
send out surveys to senior managers and directors in Internet businesses -
both in technical and non-technical roles.

Ask them open questions like:

"What is your opinion of the ITU"?

And easily-graded questions like:

"Regarding the development of the Internet, do you think the ITU has:
  (a) made a significant contribution
  (b) been a significant hinderance
  (c) not had any significant effect"

And specific ones like:

"In your opinion, would the ITU be the most appropriate organisation for
managing the allocation of IPv6 addresses in future?"
  (a) strongly agree
  (b) agree
  (c) neither agree nor disagree
  (d) disagree
  (e) strongly disagree"

And questions which simply assess awareness of the ITU, e.g.:

"In which country does the ITU have its headquarters?"

You might not like what you get back though.


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