[afnog] Re: AfNOG 2005 - Swaziland

Adiel A. AKPLOGAN adiel at akplogan.com
Sun May 16 18:30:57 EAT 2004

>lets take it step by step, from lessons learnt I think it's good we have 
>started dialogue on 2005 now.  So Lets get all interested parties speak 
>out now and this time we will need to work closer with all potential 
>bidders to actually help them understand what they are puting themselves into.
>I would even like to go as far as suggesting that if they are present in 
>Dakar we actually have a small group meeting whereby we go through the 
>spreadsheets, organisations and expectations to avoid nasty surprises for 
>both potential hosts and administration.

I 100% agree with you. they have to be present as always 'requested', at 
least at two AfNOG meetings prior to the one they want to host.

Furthermore i think AfNOG is really mature enought to have a very formal 
organizational structure and  let people know exactly who they must deal 
with and who is responsible of what... and when! A very clear hosting 
process should be design and followed ... without that we will be facing 
the same problem every year...

- a.

>I beleive both Swaziland and Morroco will be present, thats a good start 
>any more ?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <mailto:brian at pure-id.com>Brian Longwe
>To: <mailto:abulley at ghana.com>Ayitey Bulley
>Cc: <mailto:afnog at afnog.org>afnog at afnog.org ; 
><mailto:mtinka at africaonline.co.sz>mtinka at africaonline.co.sz ; 
><mailto:afrigeek at psg.com>afrigeek at psg.com
>Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2004 2:43 PM
>Subject: Re: [afnog] Re: AfNOG 2005 - Swaziland
>I recall Mauritius had put in a bid for 2005 in keeping with the:
>"<?x-tad-bigger>Organisations interested in hosting the events are invited 
>to submit proposals no later than 30 September 2003 in respect of the 2004 
>event, and no later than 15 November 2003 in respect of the 2005 event"
><?/x-tad-bigger>Which sort of also means that we should put the the call 
>for 2006 now...
>On May 16, 2004, at 2:17 PM, Ayitey Bulley wrote:
>Requirements and budget sheet are on the 
><http://www.afnog.org>www.afnog.org site so you can take a
>look at that, it will give you an idea of what you will need to do to put 
>in a
>bid, and what at you will be getting yourself into.
>It will be nice to come to Swaziland. ;o)
>On Fri, 14 May 2004 18:12:55 +0200, Mark Tinka wrote
>Hi all.
>As had been mentioned (rather) informally, Swaziland would be
>interested in hosting the AfNOG 2005 workshop.
>Of course, this is only a preliminary offer, after we look at the
>logistics involved; but we present intent.
>Any comments regarding the same are welcome. Thanks.
>Ghana.Com webmail
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>afnog at afnog.org
>Brian Longwe
>CellFon: +254 733 518744
>"Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future." Yoda

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