[afnog] Fwd: New IANA allocations to RIPE NCC

Brian Candler B.Candler at pobox.com
Sat May 8 18:01:18 EAT 2004

On Sat, May 08, 2004 at 06:27:37PM +0200, fingers wrote:
> > Have IANA not heard of aggregation then?! :-)
> aren't the allocations for rir's supposed to be /23's?

Sixteen /23's could have been allocated as a single /19.

Even those sixteen /23's, which were not on a /19 boundary, could have been
expressed as aggregates.

RIPE isn't going to announce routes for those netblocks, so it doesn't
really matter. Maybe I just like tidiness for its own sake (but you wouldn't
believe that if you saw my room :-)



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