[afnog] cisco NVRAM

Philip Smith pfs at cisco.com
Fri Jun 11 17:44:03 EAT 2004

Hi Sam,

At 09:35 11/06/2004 +0100, sgathigi wrote:

>Im having a weird problem , my Cisco router has run out of NVRAM out of 32k
>i have excess nearly 40k of configurations .

Have you tried the "service compress-config" configuration option? This 
will give you a little more headroom for your NVRAM as it will compress the 
configuration before saving it to nvram.

>  When i try to copy the configs to the flash i get this
>myrouter#copy running-config fla
>myrouter#copy running-config flash:
>Destination filename [running-config]?
>Erase flash: before copying? [confirm]^C

And if you say "no" to the erase flash question, what happens? If there is 
space on the flash memory, your configuration should be successfully 
written there.

If the flash memory is full, then erase some of the files on there to free 
up more space.


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