[afnog] Request For Proposals - AfNOG-2005

Ayitey Bulley abulley at ghana.com
Fri Aug 6 17:55:10 EAT 2004


The Request for Proposals for the hosting of AfNOG-2005 is now available at 
the AfNOG website http://www.afnog.org. Organisations and Institutions 
interested in hosting the event planned for April - May 2005 should please 
visit the site and familiarize themselves with the requirements for hosting 
the event and details in submitting a bid.

The closing date for submission of proposals is 5th September, 2004.

Please feel free to circulate this announcement to other relevant lists.

Ayitey Bulley 

Ayitey Bulley (GPG Key) <abulley at ghana.com>
Key fingerprint = 4AB2 EAAF 8EE9 F049 588C  506B 154F E162 5CEB C42C

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